PSG Meeting ke-8: Serious Attention on the Progress of Electrifying 3T Regions

The 8th Program Steering Group (PSG) meeting of the New Zealand-Maluku Access to Renewable Energy Support (NZMATES) was convened on Tuesday, 27th June 2023, at the Santika Hotel in Bogor, West Java. This PSG Meeting was hosted by the Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The meeting was inaugurated by Andriah Feby Misna, Director of Various New, Renewable Energy, and was graced by representatives from the Embassy of New Zealand in Indonesia, the Directorate of Various New, Renewable Energy, EVP LISDES, the Directorate of Distribution of PT. PLN Persero, the Head of EKOSDA at BAPPEDA Maluku Province, and NZMATES.

During this PSG meeting, the refurbishment of the Pulau Tiga Solar PV System and collaborative community empowerment initiatives took center stage in the discussions. Another significant aspect of deliberation was the progress in electrifying the remote, frontier, and outermost (3T) areas in Maluku by PT. PLN Persero, given that the program's implementation has entered its final year. Therefore, there was a need to revisit the lessons learned and the exit strategy, particularly concerning program evaluation and the signing of the Minutes of Handover for various activities.

In closing, Feby conveyed that the PSG Meeting scheduled for November 2023 will take place in the city of Ambon. Kirk Yates, the Development Counselor of MFAT New Zealand Indonesia, also shared his observations during the meeting. The PSG meeting was formally concluded by Feby.